• At  this time our lives have  become sedentary due to which we suffer from various problems, the main problem is low back pain. 
  • We suffer from it due to our occupation, our day to day activities, due to wrong exercises and due to some underlying diseases. 
  • Today I am going to tell you about 5 easy exercises which you can do at your home. Through these exercises you can say goodbye to low back pain.

5 simple stretches to relieve low back pain 

To know about it click on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJkoa67Z6Y8


1 Knee to chest exercise



  • If you are working too much on your computer due to which your lower  back muscles have become stiff then this exercise is for you 
  • It relieves  lower  back muscle tension 
  • It stretches your glutes and relaxes lower back muscle 
  • Initially bring your one knee towards your chest, practice this until you become habitual, then after becoming perfect in it bring both legs toward your chest and hold it for 15 seconds 


  • Lie on your back (this position is known as supine position). 
  • Bend your one knee and keep the other leg straight
  • Keep your hands beside your body 
  • Slowly bring your one knee towards your chest 
  • Grasp your knee with both of your hands 
  • And hold it for 15 seconds 

 2 Bird dog 


  • If you want to improve your stability, want to improve your posture, if you want to get rid of the exaggerated lordoitic curve then this is for you 
  • This exercise is very easy and it relieves low back pain undoubtedly.
  • It strengthens your core, back and gluteal region 


  • Sit on your all four 
  • Extend your one hand forward and the opposite foot backwards 
  • Try to do this for 15 times for each leg 
  • I know its tough but it's worth it 

  • People having knee injury, Parkinson any neurological problem should do this with an assistant of somebody as there are chances to fall 

3 Hamstring stretch

  • Its very necessary to keep your hamstrings flexible because hamstring tightness is one of the major reasons of low back pain 
  • It also causes a limb length discrepancy, it is a condition in which your one leg becomes shorter than the other 
  • To perform this you can take someone's help or you can do it on your own by using therabands or towel 
  • Theraband and towel will provide little resistance and will stretch as well as strengthen your hamstrings, your glutes and your lower back 
  • To avoid hernia, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, it is very essential for you to strengthen your back and this is the good way 


  • To perform this you have to lie on your back 
  • Tie theraband in your leg or fix your leg in its space 
  • Hold the other end of the band in your hand 
  • And pull your leg towards your body 
  • Hold this position for 15 seconds 
  • Relax and repeat 

  • If you feel any discomfort after doing this exercise, then it is normal, but to relieve back pain don't overdo it otherwise it can cause DOMS delayed onset muscle soreness 

4 Twisting exercises 


  • This exercise is very beneficial for those who have tight glutes 

It is the other main cause of low back pain


  • To perform this all you have to do it lie in a supine position 
  • Make a T with your hands 
  • Bend your knees and roll it on one side, if it doesn't touch the floor its okay don't force yourself 
  • Hold this position for 15 seconds 
  • Repeat on the other side 
  • Keep on doing it for 5 times 
  • Now relax 

  • If you have intense back pain, then avoid this exercise, if you feel any discomfort then visit to your doctor immediately 

 5 Back extension 


  • This exercise strengthens your back and stretches your abdomen 
  • It will relieve tension of upper back and lower back both 


  • To do this, lie on your stomach this position is known as prone position 
  • Lift your head off the floor don't bend your neck
  • Hold it for 8 seconds 
  • And relax 
  • Initially you can use your hand support, but gradually increase the difficulty 

  • If you have neck issues, then avoid this exercise, if you feel any discomfort then consult your doctor 

  • Follow these exercises gradually 
  • Do not overdo any exercise as it can make your condition worse 
  • If you feel any discomfort, then consult your doctor 
  • Try these exercises and if you have any queries you can contact me through my contact details 

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