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Diabetes yoga poses

Diabetes yoga poses 

This video provides a llittle description on diabetes before knowing the yoga poses please watch it ...

Diabetes management is very necessary for a healthy livelihood for managing diabetes; you should try different yoga postures 

Diabetes is a condition in which insulin is not brought about by the insulin producing beta cells  
This in turn increases the blood glucose level in the body 
No medication, diet or insulin shots will help you if you don't include yoga practice in your lifestyle.

In type 1 diabetes pancreas fails to secrete optimal level of insulin 

In this type beta cells fail to react to insulin due to this blood sugar level increase in the body  

Diabetes yoga poses

Yoga is a kind of exercise which fetters your body, soul and mind  
For a healthy lifestyle people should include regular yoga in their day to day lifestyle. It holds an astonishing effect on the nervous system and respiratory system. 

Effects of yoga on diabetes 
Yoga stretches the abdominal muscular tissues and restores pancreatic cells  
It diminishes stress on muscles 
It stimulates the insulin secretion of the pancreas 
Yoga asana squeeze the abdominal organs and stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin this leads to improved blood streams 
People with diabetes should follow following yoga poses to maintain their blood sugar level 

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Diabetes yoga poses
This pose helps in strengthening of the vertebral column
It provides compression in an abdominal muscle 
It perks up the function of abdominal organs  
It improves digestion and absorption 
It lowers down the blood glucose level 

Lie on the floor in a prone posture  
Lay your hands beneath your shoulder    
Raise your chest and head, inhale while doing this  
Do not twist your neck from side to side 
Straighten your arms  
Hold this position for about 15 seconds without bouncing 
Exhale and relax your body 

Precaution -
Do not practice this yoga asana if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist injury or back injury 

varkasana (twisted pose)
Diabetes yoga poses

This pose stimulates abdominal organs such as pancreas and decreases the blood sugar level 
It controls liver enlargement 
It also prevents obesity 
Sit on the floor 
Keep your one arm on the opposite knee (left)
Keep your body straight 
Twist your body in left side 
Hold this position for 15 second 
Repeat this alternatively 
If you experience breathing problems, then avoid it to compensate it try practicing breathing exercises  
If you are pregnant or if you sustain a recent injury of abdomen avoid this  
 Viparit Karani (leg pose)
Diabetes yoga poses

It stimulates pancreas and other organs of the abdominal cavity
It tranquilizes the nervous system and prevents anxiety 
It improves the venous drainage
Lay down on the floor in a supine (facing upward) position 
Stretch your hamstrings and bring your toes closer to your torso    
In the first instance take the reinforce of the wall, then do it on your own 
Hold this position for 15 seconds 
Breathe properly 
If you are suffering from back problem then put a small pillow under your spine  
If you possess an eye problem or neck problem, then avoid this  
If you have undergone any recent trauma, then avoid this asana  

Shalabhasana (Grasshopper pose)
Diabetes yoga poses
It prevents sciatica and back pain, sciatica is a condition in which you experience numbness and tingling sensation in your legs  
This pose strengthens your spine and stretches your abdomen  
It assists in curing cervical spondylitis and other spinal cord ailments  
It is really useful for diabetic people, it applies stress on abdominal organs, it stimulates pancreas thus control the blood sugar level 

Lie in the prone position (facing downwards)
Lift your chest, head and shoulders 
Lift your legs off the floor 
Your weight should be on your abdomen 
Maintain this position for 15 seconds 
Relax your body and repeat this asana for 5 times 

Those people who have heart problems or people suffering high blood pressure avoid this asana  

Shavasana (corpse pose)
Diabetes yoga poses
For relaxing your body this pose is extremely recommended  
It relieves tension, tension and anxiety  
This stimulates pancreas, by adopting this pose you can manage your blood sugar level  
For repose and rejuvenation you should follow this exercise at the end of your yoga practice

Lie flat in a supine position (facing upward)
Place your legs in a comfortable position
Keep your hand on the side of your body; your palm should face upwards 
Close your eyes and breathe deeply 
Deliberately relax your each body part 
Start the relaxation procedure from your foot and ultimately reach to your hands 
This is considered as the toughest asana 
The ultimate aim of this asana is relaxation 

If you have backache 
If you suffer from acid reflux then then don't follow this asana as it can aggravate your condition  

Sarvangasana (shoulder standing pose)
Diabetes yoga poses
This asana improves the digestion; it promotes the metabolism and prevents damage to the nerves  
It is real helpful for diabetic patients; it decreases the blood sugar level by stimulating the pancreas

Lie on the floor make sure you use yoga matt or a hard surface, avoid saggy bed  
Lift you both legs make 90 degrees with your legs and support the backbone with your hands
Try pointing the ceiling with your toes 
Try to stay in this position for 10 to 15 seconds 
Lower your legs and relax 

If you are a patient of high blood pressure or if you have undergone any recent injury avoid this asana 

Pawanmuktasana (wind-relieving pose)
Diabetes yoga poses

This asana strengthens the back muscles 
It tones your abdominals
It improves circulation 
It prevents constipation, this is one of the main problem faced by diabetic patients 
It stimulates all the reproductive organs 
It helps in the passage of gas

Lie flat in a prone position (facing downwards)
Bring your knees towards your chest and hold this position for 15 seconds 
Repeat this for 5- 8 times 

ssure, lower back injury 
Sciatica or piles should avoid this asana, as it can worsen their condition 
Pregnant women should also avoid this asana

Dhanurasana (bow pose)
Diabetes yoga poses
This pose strengthens your spine and back, it reduces stress and anxiety 
It prevents constipation, this is the primary problem faced by diabetic patients  
It also prevents menstrual pain 

Lie on the floor in a prone position (facing downwards)
Bend your knees and hold your ankles with your hands 
Inhale and lift the chest off the floor 
Hold this position for 15 seconds 
Exhale and lower down your chest and relax 

People having heart problems should avoid this asana 
Patients having high blood pressure should not do this as it can worsen their condition 
A Person suffering from sciatica, herniated disc and peptic ulcers should also avoid this asana 

If you desire to have a fit and healthy life follows these asana  
They have amazing benefits 
If you feel discomfort while performing any of the above asana stop it immediately  
If you notice any side effects consult to your physician immediately  
Have a fit and healthy life 
If you have any uncertainty about any asana you can contact me through my contact details

Have a fit and healthy life
For more details follow this link

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this information. Everyone should know this.


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